View Poll Results: How often do you test?
Weekly or less
AaronH, Aquaticguy11, Baldy, Finisher604, Fish Friendly, jillhat, Mike-fish, monocus, Proteus, pterfloth, Reef Pilot, RezReef, troni, whatcaneyedo
15 |
27.27% |
10 |
18.18% |
Once a month
04V10, Azzkr, BlazingArrow, Cal_stir, chris121277, dsaundry, jtbadco, kwok, Lampshade, Lance, MarkoD, mws, Nano, phreezee, Reefie, sandman, Tom R, whatcaneyedo, wingedfish
19 |
34.55% |
I have equipment I trust so hardly ever.
bignose, BlueTang<3, Corbin, cwatkins, ensquire, Felix, fishoholic, kien, kooky, mseepman, paddyob, ryanb69, tim the toolman
13 |
23.64% |
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