View Poll Results: Salinity for a mixed reef
7 |
2.07% |
adamsarmywife, aquajeep, balistidae, bigal, BlueWorldAquatic, Bob, braid11, cityreefer, Doug A, Finley, Harpo, hd3dd, hockey nut, htfn, Imlovinit, kenter16, Kmarrs, MarkoD, ogopogo, RajReef, Reefer head, reefy, richtg, sevenof100, sharkbubbles, tonyntuyet, Trigger Man, vancityfella, wtym
30 |
8.88% |
apexifd, Aquanaut1, atc, badAZZlars, Bandit, bauder1986, Bblinks, Black Phantom, BlueTang<3, born, C2Sky, CaptainYooh, chewie, Chris S, Doo, eternitybc, FaRico, fishytime, Foxface, globaldesigns, hound96, i have crabs, JohnnyReeftank, jon.smolders, josie, Jyman, kamster, kylejordan, Lampshade, luckylux99, marihoochie, maron6977, matinbc, Megzer, menno, MKLKT, moppy, mseepman, mws, Neilmcg, noirsphynx, no_bs, NU-2reef, originalozzyo, paddyob, patpare, Patty-Brent, quayquayquay, RedCoralEdmonton, rocks, SeanPrest, sgreen, silentcivilian, Snufflupagus, sunoka, tgoeujon, tosh4213, Transcend, wesm8, Zarstar
63 |
18.64% |
365seasons, abcha0s, AJ_77, amoreira, anemononimous, apex82, Aquaholic, Ashlerbam, Avrbuster, axe_man16, BC564, BigDev, bignose, BlazingArrow, Blom, bluefish, blue_eden, bob the nano, bryceschutte, burgerchow, c me fish, Carrera75, Chaloupa, chandigz, chopperman, Cliff, Coleus, coolhandgoose, CoralineCori, coreyskylar, crehman, cwatkins, daniella3d, DAVE, dbdavid, ddarkz, Douglas,, dredd0606, dsaundry, dynamite, EcoReefer, edgv, eguld,, es355lucille, Eyford01, fish98, fishattic, frizzo1983, Frozenocean, GMGQ, gregb., Grizzle, H22_TURBO, H2o2, Hangman, HL649, Inedaan, JaiWiz, Jenn_737700, jimbog, jjntm, JOEL, johnyens, kimax, Kona, KrazyKuch, kylehca, Lance, lastlight, lpsreefer, lt1fj40, Madmak, Madreefer, Magma, Maverick00, Millepora_Maniac, Money pit, Moretank, Naz, nlreefguy, notclear, nrosdal, o.c.d., Octavian, Old Guy, Otardifus, othicx, Palmer, peasofme, pelle31, phillybean, plutoniumJoe, PoonTang, raceit, RDNanoGuy, Reef-Geek, Reefie, regent2009, riceboy, richard.l, Robw, Rogue951, RSM, RuGlu6, Sencha, Skimmerking, SleepyPirate, Smudge, Snaz, sphelps, staceyd72, Starry, stellarfly, steve fedyk, Strickland_673, swervygirl, szymek, The Guy, TheMikey, tinman, tmar88, tobysmurf, Tom R, TorontoBound, Treebeard, triggereef, vancityyardy, veronelly, vince0, Vitaminz, volcomsnow12, waynemah, wayner, welps, whatcaneyedo, windcoast reefs, wokaid, xblade, xnmuller, zink12
145 |
42.90% |
ALang, amuvor, AquaticFinatic, Aquattro, Axeman, Baldy, beefORchicken, bigbratt, blacknife, cale262, ChefFish, Chipie, Chowder, cordeiro, corpusse, CrazyFish, David Newiger, Deaner, e46er, Eb0la11, fiorano, freezetyle, Gary, gobytron, Guru, High tide, hillegom, hslee, Ian, imisky, Jason McK, jd949, Jewel, JOKERacing, Kavy, kgalliott, Leah, lockrookie, loveless, Lysa.anne, M3 Aquatics, Mandosh, marie, mark, Marmot74, mattdean, mechano, Midway, mitchemi, monkE, Myka, naesco, nos155, oizo, One_Divided, ottoman, Oxymoron, Parker, parkinsn, phreezee, ponokareefer, poso, pscott99, randallino, rburns24, RCFA, reef-keeper, reefbyremote, reeferfulton, Ryan, Ryan-b, Ryan7, SandSifter, ScubaSteve, Slick Fork, Snappy, SpateD, spawn, StirCrazy, Tangled Knot, The Grizz, thegecko, TimT, TJSlayer, tomsfish, Trabby, Twinn, vaporize, viperfish, xiaan, xtreme, Youngster Dan, zum14
93 |
27.51% |
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