View Poll Results: What affects spending on your hobby
This poll will close on 10-16-2010 at 11:02 PM |
My business shut down-so getting out or downsizing
1 |
0.85% |
Got laid off -so getting out or downsizing
3 |
2.56% |
Business is really slow so I am more frugal
AJ_77, ALang, atc, Binare, blacknife, blainep, carnut, dcook, Doo, dsaundry, EMH, FitoPharmer, freezetyle, globaldesigns, mseepman, Nanoized, nlreefguy, petlaur, randy123, RCFA, reef-keeper, Rip Tide, Ripwoop, young1984, zum14
25 |
21.37% |
Business is the same so spending the same
04scoobysti, Albertan22, bauder1986, burgerchow, cale262, chinook95, Chowder, chris88, DCDN,, FaRico, H2o2, Jeff000, kien, Lampshade, Lance, marie, Myka, naesco, Palmer, Parker, purelife, reefermadness, reefwars, rjengen, sandyd, untamed, xtreme
29 |
24.79% |
Don't care about the economy or my job-spend whatever I can.
abcha0s, amoreira, apexifd, BigDev, BMW Rider, chandigz, Coleus, cprowler, Danny, fishay, fishoholic, kenter16, kylejordan, Millepora_Maniac, Murminator, o.c.d., Seamazter, SeanPrest, tlo, Twinn, wingedfish
21 |
17.95% |
Economy sucks, but my hobby never will, Buy as I require it.
365seasons, aquajeep, Bandit, bigmac, bignose, Bloodasp, Canadoc, dankent, Devonious, EcoReefer, eguld, Finaddict, fishytime, Frankly Canadian, globaldesigns, hound96, KeMo, kien, Kona, ksalt, lockrookie, monocus, NanoHuman, Pescador, poso, Reef-Geek, RSM, shrimpchips, Slick Fork, snow1, Snufflupagus, Starry, steve fedyk, tony_3a, torrid_07, Trabby, Travis, veronelly, whatcaneyedo, wokaid
40 |
34.19% |
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