View Poll Results: Does your copperband butterfly eat aiptasia?
This poll will close on 08-28-2009 at 04:19 AM |
Yes, all of it.
8 |
10.00% |
Yes, and it's reef safe.
365seasons, ALBERTA REEF, amoreira, Atomikk, BlueWorldAquatic, bowkry, bronny6, Carmen, Chaloupa, cprowler, dbdavid, dreef, Drock169, Ellie_A, fishoholic, loveless, o.c.d., phillybean, saltaddict, TrailFish, triggereef, TRS, wickedfrags
23 |
28.75% |
It only picks at it but never eats it all.
2 |
2.50% |
3 |
3.75% |
10 |
12.50% |
No, and it bit my corals.
3 |
3.75% |
My copperband butterfly is dead.
Barko, beeve, bkelly, Bob, burtonpj48, Colby82, Croman, FaRico, Floop70, globaldesigns, i have crabs, intarsiabox, Jordan_Oreo, jus68, Leah, marihoochie, mike31154, naesco, niloc16, oilfieldsafety, parkinsn, PoonTang, RuGlu6, Steeves, steve fedyk, TanisD, TJSlayer, Treebeard, veronelly
31 |
38.75% |
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