View Poll Results: How many tanks do you have running right now?
BlondNasoTang, Brighteyes_13, brizzo, Buddyboy, Carrera75, cprowler, DanG, danny zubot, Der_Iron_Chef, EmilyB, FBNitro, fishoholic, Floop70, Funkytone, Glennrf38, GoCanucks17, Joe Reefer, Karen Marlin, landshark, langdon reefer, Manny, mark, michika, Neil, Okguy, Pescador, Phanman, ponokareefer, ReefBizz, riceboy, saltaddict, sandyd, scuglass, SeaSerpant, spikehs, Telford, workn2hard2day, Zoaelite
39 |
24.84% |
argan, BC564, canuckzilla, Captainhemo, cav~firez22, christyf5, Colby82, digital-audiophile, ElGuappo, fencer, findingnemo1, fishspun, IceTurf, ILIKECOUGARS, Jason McK, JHG, Johnny Reefer, JPeach, Kryten, Matt, Megs, Mik_101, MMAX, Palster, pandafishowner, parkinsn, pinner_28, rdnicolas, ReefJunkie, rocketlily, Rumika, saltwaterboy321, SEAN DUFFY, Slick Fork, Slipstream, surgeonfish, TeknoPunk, TRIX, untamed, whiteice669, Zylumn
41 |
26.11% |
04scoobysti, accord823, banditpowdercoat, BMW Rider, Canuckgod420, Chin_Lee, Chipie, Chowder, CLINT, Crumm, dogboy, Drock169, EMH, fatpuffer, fishytime, kwirky, Luke, Lydia, marie, mikeyd, mildcustom2, mseepman, NateL, Nevin, Old Guy, Parker, rattler, robzilla, Shipwreck, Snappy, StirCrazy, super7, Trigs, xtreme, Ya Dude
37 |
23.57% |
andestang, andresont, Brent F, Coldwater, dsaundry, kewi, Lance, Pier Pressure, Quinster, RnR, Starry, TRS, Whatigot
14 |
8.92% |
Delphinus, dkbigfish, Ephraim, J.Lloy, Jan, Kabong, Midknight, Murminator, Tom R, WhoPoopWrasse, Xtasia
11 |
7.01% |
6 or more
2manytanks, allincuddy, Borderjumper, Chaloupa, Finaddict, fragalot, hillbillyreefer, i have crabs, pewarchuk, rayfong, REDNECK_REEFER, SeaHorse_Fanatic, skylord, Swags, tangaroo
15 |
9.55% |
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