View Poll Results: What Salt are you using
amoreira, Aquattro, atcguy, BlondNasoTang, burrows14, Buzz, bv_reefer, christyf5, Coldwater, EmilyB, GoCanucks17, nanopodreefer, Old Guy, Pansy-Paws, pinner_28, Psyire, Reef_Craze, ref leppard, saltcreep, SeaHorse_Fanatic, silver arrowana, Snowmaker, TeknoPunk, white sand
25 |
7.27% |
Instant Ocean
04scoobysti, 0pti0n, Alberta-newb, Amante, andestang, andsoitgoes, AngryTriGGer, aquariumgirl, argan, atc, balistidae, Bartman, BCOrchidGuy, Bhill, bignose, BigT, blueworm, Bob Roberts, briansmyth, brizzo, bubblepuffer, Buddyboy, bulletsworld, bullit67, Cameron, Canadbis, Captainhemo, Carrera75, castaway, cav~firez22, chevyjaxon, Chin_Lee, chris88, CLINT, clipperfish, cole004, cprowler, craiglarson, daddy01, Dale D, DanG, dareefguy, dbdavid, defiant1, demon666, Denis, digital-audiophile, DJKoop, dkbigfish, dkcrx, dogboy, dolphinpoint, Doug, Dragonsteeth, dreef, eddtango, es355lucille, Evil Guppy, exee, Falcon, fatpuffer, fishguyxd, fishoholic, Flash, Floop70, foreverfortune, Frenchie, Funkytone, gerrygab, Gizmo, globaldesigns, goby1, Godfry, GrimReefer, hecks220, heyfredyourhat, hockey_shrimp, icecool217, IJC, Interior_Reef, IPZ, Jan, JDigital, Jedi, jeff690, Jeff_, JHG, Johnny Reefer, Joslyn, Kabong, kaboom, kien, King of the Sea, kipsix, Kostas, Lance, LAReefer, Leah, levi1803, littlesilvermax, Liv, lorenz0, lx5litre, Manny, marie, Marinegeek101, mark, Marlin65, maron6977, Marty, Maverick, Megs, mike31154, Mik_101, MMAX, MoeReefer, monza, Moose, Mrfish55, mwafler, Myka, nanoreefer, NateL, Nevin, nikemikey, niloc16, Northreef, Oceanic, oceansh, Osiris, ottoman, Palster, Parker, pastout, pat, pc604, Petcrazy, Phanman, purplepolypeater, r1ck, Raf, Raven2k, Rbacchiega, Reefer Rob, ReefJunkie, reefshark, rigger11, Rikotek, RobynR, robzilla, ron101, RonD, Ryan7, saltaddict, saltwater-virgin, saltynuts, Sam1969, Samw, scary gary, Scavenger, scub steve, sea gnome, SeaShell, Skimmerking, Slipstream, smellsfishy, Snaz, Son Of Skyline, Starry, Steeves, StirCrazy, super7, superg3, targa81, Telford, tharkema, Todd, Tom R, Toxik, trilinearmipmap, TRIX, TRS, vanreefer, vaporize, w00t, whatcaneyedo, Whatigot, whiteice669, wirehead, wtym, Zerandise
196 |
56.98% |
5 |
1.45% |
Ocean Pure
9 |
2.62% |
Ocean Pure Pro
BC564, Brighteyes_13, canuck, ColinD, danny zubot, Der_Iron_Chef, dustin, Fenix, Finaddict, fishface, FishFun, geobee, i have crabs, Jason McK, kwirky, landshark, Mike Olson, monza697, Neil, Pan, Quagmire, riceboy, sandyd, Snappy, stewy84, Tyson, untamed, X-Treme
29 |
8.43% |
Tropic Marin
AJ_77, akathir, andresont, Boomboy, cblair, Chad, Darksky, deepRED, Drock169, dsaundry, edgv, fencer, Gordon H, hockey nut, iQuarium, Justusfish, Kona, loveless, mastergunsg, Pescador, plutoniumJoe, Quinster, REDNECK_REEFER, reef, RonPeter, seanoman, SeaSerpant, Sebae again, skylord, Slick Fork, surgeonfish, Swags, symplistik, Waxx, yifan917
35 |
10.17% |
Reef Crystals
allincuddy, BigA, BMW Rider, Cam, canuckzilla, dcw1sfu, Eduardo, fishspun, gills, hillbillyreefer, IluvHockey, Joe Reefer, Karen Marlin, KrazyKuch, Kryten, Matt, muck, mythic, nanodiva, OCDP, parkinsn, Pier Pressure, Razz, Robw, RSM, Salinity Now, SaltyReefFish, TheMikey, Wade, WhoPoopWrasse, xtreme, yeeg, zeddy, Zylumn
36 |
10.47% |
9 |
2.62% |
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