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View Poll Results: What Salt are you using
Kent 25 7.27%
Instant Ocean
04scoobysti, 0pti0n, Alberta-newb, Amante, andestang, andsoitgoes, AngryTriGGer, aquariumgirl, argan, atc, balistidae, Bartman, BCOrchidGuy, Bhill, bignose, BigT, blueworm, Bob Roberts, briansmyth, brizzo, bubblepuffer, Buddyboy, bulletsworld, bullit67, Cameron, Canadbis, Captainhemo, Carrera75, castaway, cav~firez22, chevyjaxon, Chin_Lee, chris88, CLINT, clipperfish, cole004, cprowler, craiglarson, daddy01, Dale D, DanG, dareefguy, dbdavid, defiant1, demon666, Denis, digital-audiophile, DJKoop, dkbigfish, dkcrx, dogboy, dolphinpoint, Doug, Dragonsteeth, dreef, eddtango, es355lucille, Evil Guppy, exee, Falcon, fatpuffer, fishguyxd, fishoholic, Flash, Floop70, foreverfortune, Frenchie, Funkytone, gerrygab, Gizmo, globaldesigns, goby1, Godfry, GrimReefer, hecks220, heyfredyourhat, hockey_shrimp, icecool217, IJC, Interior_Reef, IPZ, Jan, JDigital, Jedi, jeff690, Jeff_, JHG, Johnny Reefer, Joslyn, Kabong, kaboom, kien, King of the Sea, kipsix, Kostas, Lance, LAReefer, Leah, levi1803, littlesilvermax, Liv, lorenz0, lx5litre, Manny, marie, Marinegeek101, mark, Marlin65, maron6977, Marty, Maverick, Megs, mike31154, Mik_101, MMAX, MoeReefer, monza, Moose, Mrfish55, mwafler, Myka, nanoreefer, NateL, Nevin, nikemikey, niloc16, Northreef, Oceanic, oceansh, Osiris, ottoman, Palster, Parker, pastout, pat, pc604, Petcrazy, Phanman, purplepolypeater, r1ck, Raf, Raven2k, Rbacchiega, Reefer Rob, ReefJunkie, reefshark, rigger11, Rikotek, RobynR, robzilla, ron101, RonD, Ryan7, saltaddict, saltwater-virgin, saltynuts, Sam1969, Samw, scary gary, Scavenger, scub steve, sea gnome, SeaShell, Skimmerking, Slipstream, smellsfishy, Snaz, Son Of Skyline, Starry, Steeves, StirCrazy, super7, superg3, targa81, Telford, tharkema, Todd, Tom R, Toxik, trilinearmipmap, TRIX, TRS, vanreefer, vaporize, w00t, whatcaneyedo, Whatigot, whiteice669, wirehead, wtym, Zerandise
196 56.98%
Oceanic 5 1.45%
Ocean Pure 9 2.62%
Ocean Pure Pro 29 8.43%
Tropic Marin 35 10.17%
Reef Crystals 36 10.47%
Sifto 9 2.62%
Voters: 344.

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