View Poll Results: Do you use RODI water and is it better?
Yes and I always have so I dont have a comparison
Aquattro, babnika, cospawn, Craigdillman, daplatapus, davej, dcw1sfu, Dearth, dundee, FishingGoalie, FrankS, Ginu, gobytron, gregzz4, gtreef, hillegom, jordanc_17, Karsten, krisjoseph, loveless, Madreefer, Mahawka, mark, mihaivapler, MustangGTA, reef-keeper, Reef76b, reeferfulton, RMC, Robw, rockworm, ronau, RSM, rydiggs, Samw, sewerman45, Simons, Snufflupagus, SteveCGY, SteveConn, sumpfinfishe, theokie, timv, ug.mac, w00t, WarDog, wayner, why_is_bryce
48 |
47.52% |
Yes and I noticed a difference by switching
Azzkr, bettathenyou, bumper, ChefFish, chewie, Coral Hoarder, ensquire, es355lucille, GoFish, htfn, intarsiabox, Kabong, KrazyKuch, mike31154, monocus, Myka, Noodles, Nuttyreefer, Proteus, RDNanoGuy, regent2009, Sackler, SanguinesDream, Scythanith, Seriak, Sharkbait-huhaha, smareo, sphelps, Travillion, Trigger Man, whatcaneyedo, wokaid
32 |
31.68% |
Yes but Ive never really noticed a difference from when I didnt
2 |
1.98% |
No I never have and Im hoping this poll will help me decide
brook29, chevyb, CM125, Coasting, crimper, H2o2, hfp75, jhj0112, Magma, maron6977, misty s, Ranchu50, ReEf BoSs, surfisjah, tytown
15 |
14.85% |
I used to and now I stopped, didnt really notice any ill effects
4 |
3.96% |
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