View Poll Results: Which heater are you using?
8 |
4.94% |
Aqua Heat
2 |
1.23% |
Blue line
1 |
0.62% |
Acrowhora, Alberta-newb, andestang, apexifd, AquaAddict, aquajeep, babnika, Bakman, befer, benzzz, BlazingArrow, bloat, BlueTang<3, cblair, Chowder, christyf5, Coleus, CoralMuncher, cospawn, Dactylo, davej, Dearth, DrDelay, emerald crab, fishoholic, FishyFishy!, fishytime, freddy, Gizmoh, globaldesigns, GoFish, gregzz4, H22_TURBO, Hairytank, hfp75, hillegom, htfn, i have crabs, icecool217, intarsiabox, jd81, JGT, KrazyKuch, lastlight, Leah, LoJack, Magma, mattr, Maverick00, mcjimson, mrhasan, mseepman, Myka, neoh, neven, nickguay, NIVLEM09, Northvan, ocean diver, parkinsn, Psyire, purple tang, quayquayquay, randallino, RDNanoGuy, Reef Puffer, reefbyremote, reeferfulton, reefme, riceboy, Ripwoop, Robw, Ross, RSM, RuGlu6, RumRunner, Ryanerickson, rynoe, SanguinesDream, Scythanith, Seriak, slivermaster08, smareo, Smittyburger, Spyd, Sunee, tim the toolman, Tn23, Tom R, Tweeds, wayner, wiggie, windcoast reefs, worstist
94 |
58.02% |
0 |
0% |
AquaPin, Blink, ChefFish, christyf5, Coasting, darkreef, dreef, ensquire, fishoholic, H2o2, jay21, JmeJReefer, Jordon, Kafudafish, kwok, mameroo2000, marie, MarieH, Masterpiece_Corals, maxcanada, mike31154, misty s, monocus, Myka, nh80, Proteus, Reef Pilot, reefer4life,
29 |
17.90% |
Glass tube
11purewater, Bryan_k47, BuschWacker, Cal_stir, hillegom, jay21, jjntm, kole, maron6977, Myka, Phanntom, Snufflupagus
12 |
7.41% |
abcha0s, apexifd, Bblinks, Craigdillman, daniella3d, davej, dino, Fish Head, FishIsGood2, flazky, Fort, Gone Snorkelin', Hairytank, Junit-55, KrazyKuch, Lexy, MARINECRITTERS, MarkoD, mikepclo, monocus, Rice Reef, roosterrick, stellarfly, swill, The Guy, theokie, tobysmurf, xenon
29 |
17.90% |
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