View Poll Results: What caused your reef tank crash?
I'm not really sure
6 |
6.52% |
Clam spawning
0 |
0% |
Macro algae went sexual
3 |
3.26% |
Overheated from hot weather
5 |
5.43% |
Faulty heater (hot or cold)
Aquaria, blacknife, emerald crab, KrazyKuch, Lampshade, MarkoD, Myka, ogopogo, StirCrazy, toytech, Vitaminz, windcoast reefs
12 |
13.04% |
Faulty auto top off
6 |
6.52% |
Faulty doser
0 |
0% |
Other faulty equipment
6 |
6.52% |
I didn't pay enough attention to parameters
asylumdown, Azzkr, BlazingArrow, burgerchow, ChefFish, drydock, Frankly Canadian, Jason McK, kwok, Lampshade, Magma, Otardifus, rhody605, wolf_bluejay
15 |
16.30% |
I did something stupid
AquaPin, blacknife, blue dragon, ChefFish, Coasting, drydock, fishytime, FWC, kam, Lampshade, Nara1, NorthernCoral, nrosdal, Otardifus
14 |
15.22% |
Tank sitter did something stupid
3 |
3.26% |
My kids did something to the tank
3 |
3.26% |
Tank broke
5 |
5.43% |
Toxin within the tank (like maybe fragged large leather)
3 |
3.26% |
Toxin outside the tank (like maybe household cleaners)
2 |
2.17% |
Prolonged power outage
5 |
5.43% |
I was away when the tank crashed
8 |
8.70% |
Coasting, fishoholic, HL649, Lampshade, Leah, Locke, mohammadali, Nano, sphelps, sunoka, Taaron
11 |
11.96% |
Tank move/transfer
ALang, Aquattro, Bacchus, batmanrob, Bblinks, bignose, blacknife, chandigz, Chowder, claymax, fishytime, jjntm, kole, paddyob, Seriak, toytech, whatcaneyedo
17 |
18.48% |
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