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Go Back   Canreef Aquatics Bulletin Board > General > Polls > How did your reef tank crash?

View Poll Results: What caused your reef tank crash?
I'm not really sure 6 6.52%
Clam spawning 0 0%
Macro algae went sexual 3 3.26%
Overheated from hot weather 5 5.43%
Faulty heater (hot or cold) 12 13.04%
Faulty auto top off 6 6.52%
Faulty doser 0 0%
Other faulty equipment 6 6.52%
I didn't pay enough attention to parameters 15 16.30%
I did something stupid 14 15.22%
Tank sitter did something stupid 3 3.26%
My kids did something to the tank 3 3.26%
Tank broke 5 5.43%
Toxin within the tank (like maybe fragged large leather) 3 3.26%
Toxin outside the tank (like maybe household cleaners) 2 2.17%
Prolonged power outage 5 5.43%
I was away when the tank crashed 8 8.70%
Other 11 11.96%
Tank move/transfer 17 18.48%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 92.

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