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Conversation Between reefwars and coreyskylar
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6
  1. coreyskylar
    01-25-2011 01:30 AM
    Hey, how much do you think a skimmer like yours but only a 80 is worth?
  2. coreyskylar
    08-20-2010 04:06 AM
    hi this is corey, when do we have to place ourorders?...payment?
  3. coreyskylar
    08-15-2010 07:33 PM
    whatcaneyedo contacted me so i will try to get ahold of blkwolfe. thanks... corey
  4. coreyskylar
    08-15-2010 06:51 PM
    hi this is corey i guess it is time to place our order are you still going to let me in on it with you guys?
  5. coreyskylar
    07-17-2010 08:20 PM
    Are you guys going to let me in with for the order from prince george???
  6. coreyskylar
    07-15-2010 11:27 PM
    are you the guy i bought some hammerhead coral frags from?

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