Conversation Between FMMreefer and chris88
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I have a 110 gal DT coral and fish. I agree the local LFS is not suitable for the saltwater hobby. I have met a few people who have been burned by them (not me though). I have been running different tanks over the last 10 years, this one is by far the biggest. I thought 110 gal was going to be big enough, but now I am finding that it is too I keep fairly easy to care for corals, zoas and mushroom mainly, but I have a fair bit of lps as well.
How about you, what do you have for a setup?
There are a decent ammount of us. I have met around 20 over the past 5 years and I keep in touch with about 5 on a regular basis. We do a lot of livestock orders due to the fact that the local pet store is a bit of a mess. What kind of a setup do you have?