The 2009 Dodge Caliber is an inexpensive and reliable vehicle that
The 2009 Dodge Caliber is an inexpensive and reliable vehicle that is built to last. Its low price makes it a great investment, as it has the strength and durability necessary to provide years of smooth performance. It is also equipped with standard features that make driving in it, or even riding in it as a passenger, an enjoyable experience. Buyer Beware, if you're in the market to buy a car, next time you're at the car dealership, here are some things you should watch out for. Don't be too trusting of the salesmen, and do your homework and research before you even step foot into the car showroom. The political fall-out and gridlock in Washington DC over the Keystone Oil Pipeline with environmentalists and Democrats blocking its construction has reached a rather toxic political impasse, no not from some proverbial minor oil spill, but smack dab in the middle of the 2012 political campaign. This is a very big deal and has even stolen headlines from the news of the passing on of the Late Great Kim Jong Il of North Korea in some nation newspapers. On or about December 20, 2011 there was an article in Energy Daily online news, titled; "Canada oil may go...
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